Sunday, December 27, 2009

The best intentions....

Ah well, I did mean to catch things up before Christmas. So now I have to do a retrospective up to today, and then I'll post about Christmas.

It is December 27, so I have 27 days to account for, plus I acquired a few things: 2 hats, a DVD, a GPS (her name is Penelope, for Odysseus' wife), a dragonfly window decoration, and 3 new CDs. That is 35 total.

I have gotten rid of, in one way or another, and in no particular order:
3 glasses
a mug
7 tins
3 books
a candle holder
3 mugs
2 shot glasses
6 earrings (not pairs, separates)
3 small glasses
7 cups

That is 36 things (35 plus one, just in case I forgot something).

Stay tuned for the Christmas edition....

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