Monday, September 29, 2014

Since last we met....

Since last we met.   I love those words.  You know why?  Because it means I am writing again.  I've missed it.  It's been a long time since I set fingertips to keyboard, and I've missed you!  (Hello?  Is anybody out there?)

So very many things have changed in my life since we last met.  I've been a very busy little beaver (hmmm, okay, not so little, but we'll get to that at a soon-but-later date).  Let's start with a brief catch-you-up.

Two years and some months ago, I moved back to my hometown (sort of) and I still work in my adopted city, which means I now have an hour commute each way every day.  That can be exhausting, and I often get to practice my most vulgar of vocabulary on the drive (I'm talking to you person in the silver car who drives slowly at the solid line and speeds right up when it's a dashed line with no oncoming traffic); but I also get to see the loveliness of Central New York change with the seasons, and I am listening to some fantastic books (thanks to you, Audible! and they didn't even pay me to say that).  I moved back because my boyfriend-at-the-time and I bought a house.  Me, as a responsible co-homeowner, just imagine!

And then, a month later, I got engaged.  At the Sterling Renaissance Festival.  On stage.  Totally shocked and so very happy!  *blissful sigh*

And then a year later, I got married!  At the Sterling Renaissance Festival.  In the graveyard!   *more blissful sighs*

It's been a whirlwind of changes, and even though they are all positive changes and Very Good Things, change is draining and exhilarating and tiring and confusing.  Now here we are, a year and a month or so after the wedding;  I am a settled (ha!) and respectable (settle down now, peanut gallery) married lady (Sadie, can you hear me?).  

I am still blissfully sighing.  But I am feeling somewhat lost in the shuffle, too.  I need to make some positive changes in my life, for me, to get back to the self-confident and balanced person I was when this all started.  Nothing mind bending or earth shattering, but small personal changes.  So, here I am, back on the interwebs (I think I said that already).   Thankfully not with the 52 Small Changes book.  As much as I enjoy the concept, I keep getting stalled at just about the same place.  So I'm done with that for now; and while I make no promises, I am not planning to subject you to that again.  You're welcome.

I do still have the never-ending goal of simplifying my life.  That's not easy to do when you become all entwined with another person.  I have let a lot of things slip by the wayside (like my waistline and my writing and sometimes my sanity), but I have become determined to get them back (maybe not the sanity).  I've recently been making some small shifts, and I have plans for some larger ones in the foreseeable future.  One small step for me, one huge leap for my household.  Or something like that. 

Anyway, I am starting with my writing, and I am starting now.  It's a Monday, and Mondays are a great day to start things, right?  It's also a new season.  Autumn.  I just love Autumn, and I always feel energized in the early fall.  The leaves are changing, the air is cooling, the sun is starting to disappear for longer each day.  And I am determined to ward off SAD and boredom and depression and other winter beasties before they can even get a foothold.

I am going to subject you to writing experiments.  Recipes and kitchen adventures.  Garden dreams and reality.  Gripes about work, or home, or traffic, or myself.  Maybe some pictures (but you can mostly find those over on my other vanity site Adventures of a Travel Addicted Librarian), maybe some videos.  Book reviews are a big possibility, too (you can see what I am reading now in the GoodReads box in the right column --->>).  Travel plans and worldwide adventures, too.  Lists, minutia, funnies and tragedies, opinions (because we all know I have no lack of those), cool stuff and not-so-cool stuff.  

Mostly I am going to try to just write.  Partly because it's cathartic, partly because I enjoy it, partly because you like to read it (I hope?), and partly because I really need to start doing something other than plopping myself down in front of the NetFlix every night after work.  Don't get me wrong; I adore NetFlix.  And Amazon Instant Video.  And Starz (*waves madly at Jamie Fraser*) and HBO.  But I need to start dosing them out as a treat and not falling back on them as the thing to do every single night.

I hope you enjoy this new direction of my journey.  I am very much looking forward to sharing it with you.  Thanks for listening.

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