Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleep well, sleep deep, sleep long

Well look at that, I survived week one and have even decided this may not be so bad after all. I have gotten myself in a pattern of drinking water all day. The two water bottles helped a lot with that. And it's a funny thing ... once you get your body used to being hydrated, you really miss it when you're not. My body has been telling me when I need to drink more water throughout the days. The last 3 days of the week, I actually drank all 64 ounces of my "required" water before 4pm! Bonus, I weighed in and have lost 10 pounds! It was a good week, a very good week; and I do feel a difference. I feel better, and ready to move on.

So, now we are on to week two, step two, change two. This one is going to be a little more of a challenge for me.

This week's change is sleep. Get seven to eight hours of good sleep a night. Piece of cake, right? Um, well....

Sleep. I have a love-hate relationship with sleep. On one hand it's one of my favourite things to do. On the other, it has become more elusive as I have gotten older. I've always been a bit of a night owl, staying up late reading, watching movies, gaming. And yet, I work a job that requires me to be up fairly early most days. I love to sleep in, and naps are a favorite activity of mine. And yet, sleeping later and during the day does affect sleep at night.

So, I shall follow the plan. I will keep the tv off in the bedroom at night (I'm not getting rid of it; I use it in the mornings and often while doing housework). I will limit my caffeine, sugar and liquids after dinner (it's so ironic that one week after making me dramatically increase my water intake, the plan is to sleep through the night *sigh*). I will develop a sleep routine. I will try to be more consistent in bed and rising times. And I will continue to drink water all day long. And we shall see.

Thanks for listening.


Mimi Foxmorton said...

I'm loving following this! :)

Sleep. Now THAT is one thing I can do. Any where, any place, any time!)

MissLorieO said...

Thanks! I'm enjoying it so far. So glad you're enjoying it, too. :)

Lynnie said...

I have to say that I am envious of Fox and her sleep ability.

I'm always interested in hearing definitions of "good sleep". For example, I sleep deeply by dr. standards but I dream so vividly that when I wake up, I'm still exhausted.

Like you, Lorie, sleep and I are not great bedfellows.

I wish you sweet dreams and decadent slumber!

Merlyn Mischief said...

YAY! Let's sleep together tonight.. I'll sleep here and you sleep there... I'm going to try to rack out by 10:30pm. So glad we are doing it together! :)

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