Monday, March 5, 2012

Move it!

Just a quick entry today to kick off the third week. I'm busy packing and cleaning and getting ready for vacation. :)

I'm doing really well with the water drinking, and my sleep seems to be settling into a better pattern. Now on to week three .... moving. Not really exercising, but simply adding more activity and movement to life, and thus becoming less sedentary. I'd like to think I already do this, but I really don't. I'll try, though. :)

It's not a very good week to add a new habit into my life, though. I am leaving tomorrow for NY and the Big East tourney. So, while I am certain to move a lot more this week (cheering on the Orange is a lot of activity!), it won't be regular and routine movement. I'll have to work on that next week in addition to the 4th change. I know there are lots of small changes I can make. I already got rid of my desk chair at home and I use an exercise ball while at my computer/desk. I can stop using the elevator at work, and I'm sure Bailey would love an extra bit of time walking outside. I'll think of more as next week develops.

For now .... Go SU!

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