Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Life, simply by the numbers.

I have been working on putting together a new project for the coming year. I really enjoyed my 2009 simplifying project, and I have been feeling the loss of creativity the past year or two (or three....) So, I have decided that 2011 is going to be my year of internal, creative and spiritual exploration.

Thanks to the inspiration of my wondrously creative friend Lynnie (how is it we haven't known each other forever??), I have decided to do a daily, weekly and monthly series of explorations. I am beginning the dailies (the 365s) on December 1, the weeklies (the 52s) on January 1, and the monthlies (the 12s) on February 1. I was originally going to start them all on the first of the year, but I am not good at keeping resolutions, and that's not really what this is all about. I am not looking to change myself, but learn about myself; so I am spreading them out over the next three months to begin. (plus, I am still working on the final details of the 12s....)

The project is going to be an internal exploration more than anything else. I really want to learn about me, discover who I am and what I believe. Thus, the project will be mainly writing and reading and thinking. And blogging. I figure if you are reading this, either you already know me (maybe better than I know myself these days) or you are interested in learning who I am. So, we shall explore together.

I shall have three tasks for each, which will be unveiled as the time for the beginning each project nears. As next week is December 1, I figured I should put my thoughts for the 365 daily projects together: haiku, thank you, journal jar.

~*~ First, I will write an haiku every day. I have been doing Haiku Monday for a while now, and I love that so many of my friends have picked up on it and have been writing them, as well (especially my best girlfriend Merlyn, who took over and ran with it so gloriously when I faltered. I love you huge!).

~*~ Second, I will thank someone for something every day. Maybe at home, maybe at work, maybe at play; maybe something huge, maybe something small, maybe something that is everything. I have a billion blessings in my life, and rather than just count them, I think it's time I start thanking people for them.

~*~ Third, I shall use my journal jar. I have a wonderfully simple, square glass jar with a glass lid that has bunches of slips of paper with journal prompts, collected over the years and never used. Every day, I shall draw a prompt from the jar and journal. I shall continue to add to the jar as I discover prompts I like or that intrigue me, and my journal will be posted here; so if you have a prompt you like, or a question you want answered, or a thought you want pondered, I am open to suggestions. Make a comment, pop me on FB, or send an email....

Well, that's it for the 365 daily projects; I shall start on Wednesday, December 1. When we get closer to the end of the year, I shall post about the 52 weekly tasks I am setting for myself.

As always, thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Lynnie said...

I honestly don't know how we haven't known each other forever...or perhaps we have and we are only truly realizing it in this life now.

I *love* the journal jar idea! It is simply magnificent and I can not wait to share this journey with you!

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