Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And so it begins

Today seems to be a day for beginnings. The start of December, the beginning of the snowy season, the genesis of my new project. The first of 365 days of self-discovery. So, let us begin....

~*~ First, I will write an haiku every day.

Trying to begin~
a simple haiku to write.
Now comes writer's block?

~*~ Second, I will thank someone for something every day.

Today, I thanked Lisa K at work for the inadvertent and jolting reminder that I have a presentation to give on my Scotland trip. Tomorrow! I completely let it slip my mind, even though it has been on my calendar for months now. So today has been spent remembering the trip, selecting the photos, writing the text and dreaming about Scotland. For that, I truly thank Lisa. :)

~*~ Third, I shall use my journal jar.

Prompt: If you found out there was no afterlife in any sense, how would you change your life?

This is a strangely appropriate prompt for the first day of my new journey. Part of my exploration shall be spiritual in nature, and thus I'm likely to face this kind of question more than once over the next year. It's a simple question for me, though. I wouldn't. I don't live my life in fear of hell, and I don't live my life in longing for heaven (insert your chosen names for said places). I'd like to think I lead a pretty good life, I am kind to people (and other creatures) as often as is possible, I try not to hurt intentionally (either others or myself), I hold to a personal code that I hope would stand up under pretty strong scrutiny, and when I do harm I try to make it better. But I am not perfect, no more or less than anyone else. So, i think I likely wouldn't change much of anything in my day to day life. It would make part of this spiritual searching easier (or at least shorter) though.

Thanks for listening.


Beverly CD said...

Hi Lorie, I love your Haiku. And I love your gratitude statement. Where do you get the entries in your journal jar?

MissLorieO said...

Thanks, Beverly! The journal jar is something I have been putting together for years. Every time I come across a journal prompt, I write it out on a long strip of paper and put it in a glass jar. I started with about 100 prompts, all typed out and cut apart. I have several hundred now. Mainly from books of prompts, websites with prompts, etc. I don't even remember how I started it, it's been that long.

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