Monday, December 6, 2010

Snowy Sunday, perfect for tea.

Yes, it was the day of my aunt's wonderful Annual Holiday Tea. We socialized and sipped tea and drank kir royales and ate tiny foods and laughed and chatted, many of us wearing silly or outrageous hats. The perfect start to the Holiday season.

~*~ First, I will write an haiku every day.

Warm laughter and hugs
fill the air as tea is poured.
Smiles and kir royales.

~*~ Second, I will thank someone for something every day.

Betty and Kathy do such a glorious job with the holiday tea. Every detail is checked and checked again, the food is delicious, the tea is perfect, the house look wonderful, the laughter fills the air like warm hugs. I'd like to thank them both for their love and hard work which makes all feel so special.

~*~ Third, I shall use my journal jar every day.

Prompt: If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be? Why.

Ah, this one is easy. I'd be a sugar maple tree. I love the gorgeous fiery red leaves they don every fall, and they put forth the wonderful start to maple syrup every spring. Summer brings a canopy of dark green leaves to shelter a picnic, perhaps. And in winter it is stark and bare and yet still gorgeous.

Thanks for listening.

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