Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a difference some sunshine makes

It's been a crazy few days, and the weather has certainly not helped. After two solid days of rain, it froze yesterday and began to snow. I should say right up front that I get seasonal blues; I get them badly sometimes, and it really seemed like they were starting early. Yesterday (and Tuesday to a certain extent, as well) was definitely a bluesy day, full of ups and downs and tears and laughter. Today dawned bright and clear and cold and, best of all, SUNNY! And like a miracle of human nature, my mood was improved.

Life really is good, and I need to remind myself of that every once in a while. Luckily I have bunches of wonderful friends who will keep me on track and not let me take myself (or anything else) too seriously. I guess that's one of the goals of this project, too. And so with that, I give you day 2.

~*~ First, I will write an haiku every day.

Blues come with the rain;
the world floods with tears. And then
the sun brings a smile.

~*~ Second, I will thank someone for something every day.

Today, I thank Merlyn. You were really here for me this week when I thought the blues were going to make me insane. You sent little notes, you tapped me with hugs and smiles, and you called me just when I needed to hear your voice and laugh with you (not once, but twice). You are the best girlfriend a girl could possibly have, and I love you. Thank you.

~*~ Third, I shall use my journal jar every day.

Prompt: If you could personally see one natural phenomenon that you have never seen, what would it be?

This one is very easy: the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, the Dance of the Spirits. Call it what you will, it's magical and spiritual and beautiful; and it draws me like a moth to a flame. Someday.

Thanks for listening.


Merlyn Mischief said...

Thank you so much, honey. That was really sweet. LOVE the haiku! It's brilliant.

What phenomenon? I have already seen the Northern Lights one magical night about 20 years ago and the memory brightens my mood just thinking about it. While I admit I have seen many natural phenomenon, most I would not like to see again...Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Blizzards are best experienced in photographs rather than in person.

But if I had to pick one type...I'd say Wind or Dust Devils. I LOVE them. It may be a Gemini thing with the love of the air and the wind...but they are so magical and I feel a spirit is moving them to talk to me when I see them....I can never get enough of a dancing wind spirit :)

Lynnie said...

I want to see the Northern Lights too, so badly. I've seen the "hints" of them that occasionally come this far south, or up in Maine.
It was enough to ignite that desire in me.

I read an article that they are not coming as frequently as they used to so I am determined to track them down in the next few years.

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