Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday!

Yes, I said Happy Monday; of course, it's easy for me to smile, as I had the day off. It was supposed to be a day of being pampered by my friend Tanny at her new spa. The weather, however, didn't cooperate. The snow fell, the wind blew, and I stayed home. I puttered, cleaned, did laundry, ate soup, walked in the snow with Bailey, read, relaxed and rested.

~*~ First, I will write an haiku every day.

As the snow falls swift
blanketing the world in white,
I snuggle, cozy.

~*~ Second, I will thank someone for something every day.

I thank my Dad for brushing off and warming up my car this morning after nearly a foot of snow fell. Sometimes the little things are actually the big ones.

~*~ Third, I shall use my journal jar every day.

Prompt: What would be the worst torture for you?

Anything involving watching (or knowing of) the pain of a loved one would be the worst torture I could imagine. (or something with spiders .... or fire.)

Thanks for listening.

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