Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, vacation and naps

Friday. It's finally Friday. The end of the first week of January. The beginning of my week (ten days, actually) of vacation. It's funny, all week long people have asked me what I am doing or where I am going on vacation. My answer every time? To sleep. This is going to be a restful, rejuvenating and relaxing vacation. I haven't had more than a long weekend since the middle of last June, and that was two weeks spent traipsing across Ireland with five other women. Glorious and wonderful, but not exactly restful.

So, I have big plans. I intend to putter and read and relax and nap and watch movies and listen to music and talk to friends and nap and cook and visit and write cards and play with Bailey and curl up and nap and drink tea and crochet and write letters and drink wine and stay up late and sleep late and ... did I mention nap? I do have a few actually concrete things planned. Visits from and with friends. Arranging the spare room (finally, maybe, hopefully). An SU game at the Dome. Did I mention naps? And I have every intention of keeping up with my projects here. lus I am going to start the alternative poetry and collage part during this coming week. We'll see how that all works out.

I am really enjoying this project now that I have settled into it. I am loving writing notes and cards, using my initial stamp, sending mail to friends and family. I love the journaling and blogging aspect that I have fallen into more and more with each entry. I love that it has made at least one person think and remember and start writing again. I do realize one thing, though. I need a small lamp on my new desk. Hmmmm, maybe an errand to run on vacation.

For now, I have yesterday and today to catch up.


Smiles come with the mail;
Pink envelopes don't hold bills.
My true friends are true.

Journal Jar:
If you were given a race horse, what would you name it?

Well, if I had to decide right this minute, I'd name it Caledonia's Crush. I really would prefer to meet (or at least see) the horse before naming it, though.

Attraction Card:
My Creative Power Lies in This Moment
whether you are thinking about something happening now, or something that happened in your past, or something you would like to have happen in your future ~ you are doing the thinking now, and it is this present-thought vibration that the Law of Attraction is responding to. Therefore ~ your power to create is now.


A week of rest starts,
rejuvenation is key ~
taking time to nap.

Journal Jar:
What do you fantasize about being or doing?

One of my biggest fantasies is one in which I have the wherewithal to travel at will, where and whenever I want.

Attraction Card:
My Inner Being Guides Me Through My Emotions
While you are, indeed, a wondrous physical creator, you exist, simultaneously, in another dimension. There is a part of you ~ your Inner Being ~ that exists in this physical body, and your emotions are your physical indication of your relationship with your Inner Being.

As always, thanks for listening. (I really need to find a different ~ more unique, more creatively me ~ way to end these posts....)

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